great week here in Turku. The days are getting shorter it will be weird to see
how it is on the shortest day of the year! It's cooling off but still hasn't
snowed. There have been a couple nights where my companion thought it was
pretty cold but luckily I haven't felt too chilled. I think heavenly Father is
blessing me with thick skin.
sounds like Kaylee gave a great talk in church. I always enjoyed when she bore
her testimony at girls camp or in sacrament meeting. I have looked up to her
ever since I heard her bear her testimony the night she received her young women’s
medallion. She is a rock star. Reno is blessed to have her.
I think Kambrie might just like you. I want to see a picture of that spoiled
little girl and her new red shoes. Hey maybe you could find her a nice black
coat to match mine ;) Weird to think you
have no more Ladycat volleyball players! We have had a Heggie on that court
since 2004!
girl we did an activity with..not sure who you are referring to but We had a
young girls get baptized. She was so excited she couldn't sit still. It was way
fun to see. . . . The guy at the wrong bus stop hasn't been able to meet but we
have been in contact with him a lot. he is excited to talk with us.
Not a lot of news. We talked about the importance of
creativity in mission work. people don't respond to the same things they have
always heard. Service. Creativity. Really showing that we care and taking the
time to do that. Hope you have a great week! Love you
sisar heggie